Monday, March 27, 2006

Gay Peace Worker Returns Home from Iraq

From the Toronto Star,
Fears that James Loney's Iraqi captors might harm the peace activist if they knew he was gay forced his partner to remain silent as his loved ones called for an end to the hostage ordeal, Christian Peacemaker Teams co-director Doug Pritchard said Monday.

During his four months of captivity, Loney's sexuality was kept out of the media spotlight at the request of his family, said Pritchard.

"It's a sad fact that around the world gays and lesbians are more vulnerable to attack than straights," Pritchard said.
Family Kept Loney's Homosexuality Secret which makes a lot of sense in light of how Iraqi gays have been fatally attacked since the US invasion. You can hear of some of Loney's experience in his own words.

Hat tip to Fraser, Toronto.


At 12:25 PM , Blogger Contemplative Activist said...

Thanks for putting this up Peterson. James Loney's words are very challenging and inspiring.


At 2:08 AM , Blogger john said...

"3/4" hits me pretty hard. I love Tom a lot, and I cherish his personal presence.

I'm glad that Loney's sexuality did not lead to any situation similar to the confusion and violence surrounding Tom's death. I hope that in the coming years there will be occasions for me to share meals of fellowship with him, and Harmeet, and Norman. It would be instructive to hear their take on the situation, but more than that, I would just like to experience their personal presence and listen with them.

Peterson, your support and presence has been both healing and disciplining. I continue to be inspired by your commitment to building tenderness and civility on the frontiers between friend and alien, something that was also part of Tom's calling. I hope that I may carry that forward in some way. I was inspired by your example today when an exchange that began with condemnation became more tender and civil: Censorship from Peacemakers.

loving regards,
john paul


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